That dancer boy

I wouldn't have given him a second glance had his earring not glinted under the tubelight the other day. Then I noticed his nose. I'm a nose person. In the sense, if there's any feature i notice the most, it's a person's nose. His was big. It suited his face, even though otherwise it would have looked as if the rest of his features wouldn't have been able to balance it. Then his long neck. Then the football jersey.
I think I'm going to have to force myself out of the jersey fascination. If a dark, tall, cute guy wears it, it's likely I'll be wearing my heart on my sleeve for him. Incidently, even those guys who I've had some romantic interest in and I've never previously seen in football jerseys, land up wearing them. And they either turn up to be Catholic, or Goan..or both.
So this guy, from the elementary level of my dance classes (me in beginners, just promoted to elem!) was in the salsa troupe. generally any girl would whoopeee'd the salsa thing. so did i. and his jersey held up over the skinny frame was worth every whoopeee i let him have. He looked like any of those footbaler guys who need something to do for the vacation only because the headmaster of their school didn't allow them to use the grounds. And then he danced.
total fida, by the way. I kept in touch...he's four days younger to me :D, and Goan!!

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