Radhika the Shrink's Making brains easier to understand!

Written at the age of 14!!

HUMAN BRAINS have the following sections

(N.B.::this note will help students distinguish smartly between female & male brains.)

I::FEMALE SPECIES..........homo sapiens sapiens
CEREBELLUM---->Debating continuously on whether the guy likes her.
CEREBRUM CORTEX---->Whether or not she will look good when she says this this way.
MEDULLA OBLONGATA---->His friend isn't all that bad either....

II::MALE SPECIES..........homo sapiens sapiens
CEREBELLUM---->That schwazernegger movie is out this weekend,which car does he have this time?/Nick's new gameboy is so.....
CEREBRUM CORTEX---->How should I set my hair today,spikes or filmi?
MEDULLA OBLONGATA---->Nick's sister is okay,rather cool timepass.Quite a chick actually...wonder if she's dating anyone currently??

Kindly note:This study was viewed by 7 members of both species mentiond above,and it has been established by the clear look of horror on their faces that MY STUDY IS SO ABSOLUTELY TRUE!!!!!

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