Updating for the heck of it.

I like what I'm upto these days. It's the entire, keep yourself occupied deal and man do I have a schedule. Though I'm doing this to keep my mind off its sickening, maddening 'phases', I can't deny that getting my head and life back on track is taking some real effort.
It's fun getting up at a fixed time, and doing things at the right time, etc. The work thingy rocks. Got a lotta you saying you wish you got jobs too, and thank you all for the congratulations you've given me for this one. Education Times is good. The editor is Nipa Vaidya- and if there's one word for her, it's 'cool'. I would usually refrain from using that word, but when you meet her, that's the only thing that comes to mind. The others in the dept. are Ruchi, Pooja and Shubha- who works on the portal. They're very patient with me. I need to pull up on the speed, because if I were them, I'd fire that retard Radhika.
I sit on a swivel chair with the right arm broken. I happened to get it on the first day because it was the closest to my desk (and I have my own computer here it's what I'm typing this from) and it stuck. I'm getting used to it. To my left, sits Faye. On the first two days she looked really upset about something, but on the third she smiled, and now we have a 'hi' routine. Faye by the way, sings brilliantly. Considering that this place has learnt to survive without music, and she's got a beautiful, beautiful voice, I look forward to her singing.
Behind me, there's Faye's friend Elton. I haven't been introduced to him, but you pick up names as they call each other. Faye and Elton are very, very quiet. This place is very quiet. Today I've risked in a 7up. I hope I laugh and add some noise here.
The telephone ringing problem still persists. But Nipa said that most of the calls they get are bogus, so it's best to not answer. However, these people answer their cellphones very soon. So that'd mean that the boring, ancient tring tring keeps ringing, while the good ringtones shut off.
Apart from that, there isn't much to describe. The canteen is quite something, though. I bought 10 coupons for a total of 5 bucks, and by the end of two whole meals consisting of rice, 2 chapaatis, dal, 2 bhaajis, egg curry, papad, banana, chhaas and a sweet dish, I still had one rupee worth of unused coupons on me. You do the math.
But this is a different summer, you see. I'm away from home most of the time, and I miss my lot. For a change, I also miss my college lot. A lot. In fact, I may guiltily add that I miss my college friends enough to make my stomach ache. I, for the first time, am wishing my vacations away (what is wrong with you, I hear 18 years of Radhika ask me). But I'll get over it soon.
I'm writing here after what seems an eternity, so pardon the sudden formal format.
I'd like to believe that I'll be back to who I was, or I'll become something better. But right now, I'm not so happy being me. Thankfully, Shriya, Trupti, Rishanka, Kapish and Sahil stick around. It feels great to have them. Manasi's been busy for the past few months, but once she's free I've got a lot of catching up to do.
My story's in print today, and I'm happy :)


  1. wow! congrats! for your story in print!! edu-times? which date? i get HT/DNA here....and good to have you back blogging...was surprised to see you post after a long time..and a very good detailed post to make up for time lost..
    best of luck for work!! and do blog again...TOI offices look cool..once I had been to one...

  2. have you noticed..
    you have posted on your blog..after almost a year!!

  3. Oyeeeee sankooooo!!
    Long time!
    Yeah re...fb notes have taken priority...
    But, I'm back
    It's Mumbai Mirror, 12/4/10
    page 30 'Your CV'
    Temme what you thinky!


And your take is...